
Madhura Studios is a research laboratory and studio set that incubates, nourishes, and amplifies liberating frequencies through the intentioned use of sound, movement, and sensation. We invite creative practitioners from the fields of music, yoga, art, spirituality and ideas to work with our team to present truly meaningful experiences for minds, bodies, and souls. We believe artists and yogis are some of the most important people to resource and amplify.

In Ayurveda (a system of traditional medicine native to India), there are six tastes. “Madhura” is the sweet taste. From the Sanskrit, it can translate as “sweet, pleasant, or nectarous,” or as “melodious” when used in relation to music.

We are interested in presenting never-before-seen works, and nourishing never-tried-before ideas.

We believe in experimentation, and in sharing best practices among peers.

We invite who we believe to be the most exciting practitioners within music, poetry, yoga, spirituality, movement, and sound to present programs with us.

We also invite experienced programmers to flex their knowledge in these areas and “do their thing” with our spaces.

We believe in sharing. We encourage play and exploration.

We also believe in the power of intimacy, closeness, and smallness.

We are proud to hold space for ideas and programs that are “not commercially viable,” which are often the most important ones of all.

We intend to bring senses of silliness, compassion, dedication, and authenticity to our processes.

We believe that the “product” reflects the process. The more fun we can have making something, the more fun you’ll have experiencing it.

The vibes we put into the world matter. Madhura is a hub of good vibes, and we want to share those with you.

Madhura also knows that life is a balance of dark & light. We believe in holding space for sorrow, sadness, and shadow. We also believe doing so allows you to know the light more deeply.

Yogis and artists may inquire about renting our yoga studio for their own productions.

Our values in the Yamas & Niyamas of yoga:

1) Ahimsa (compassion, non-violence)

2) Satya (truthfulness)

3) Asteya (non-stealing)

4) Brahmacharya (moderation, right use of energy)

5) Aparigraha (non-attachment)

6) Saucha (purity, cleanliness)

7) Santosha (contentment)

8) Tapas (discipline)

9) Svadhyaya (self-study)

10) Ishvara Pranidhana (surrender)

Our Team

ADRIAN MARTINEZ Director of Audio

DAN ROTH Audio Architect

GEORGE DEL BARRIO Creative Director × Executive Producer

IAN CHEN Operations + Production Assistant

JENNY H. CHAO Director of Yoga

JULIA LOURIE Founder & Artistic Director